Habi Education Lab, a design and research group in the Philippines, devised a set of cards to help schools or organizations reach a design solution through the group's Design Thinking process. The cards are sets of activities, ranging from brainstorming to prototyping, that they can mix and match to test and find the best approach for their research.
Habi got in touch with me to do the illustrations, citing one of my previous works as their visual peg. The colors of the illustrations were inspired by the sticky notes the group uses in their activities while the illustrations themselves were based on how the activities are actually done or simply literal renditions of their names.
Check out Habi Education Lab to see their works.
Habi got in touch with me to do the illustrations, citing one of my previous works as their visual peg. The colors of the illustrations were inspired by the sticky notes the group uses in their activities while the illustrations themselves were based on how the activities are actually done or simply literal renditions of their names.
Check out Habi Education Lab to see their works.
Himayin (analyze)

Ambagan (contribute)

Bumuo (build)

Ipakita (show)