The task was to create an information magazine on the Department of Finance's (DOF) Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) as part of its communications campaign. The magazine helped explain the components of TRAIN in simpler terms with the help of visual aids such as charts and information graphics.
Part of the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP), TRAIN is the first package submitted and proposed. Taking this into account, a box or package icon was deemed appropriate to encompass all packages. The icon's versatility made it possible to apply it in different cases including the pattern used for the magazine.
Part of the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program (CTRP), TRAIN is the first package submitted and proposed. Taking this into account, a box or package icon was deemed appropriate to encompass all packages. The icon's versatility made it possible to apply it in different cases including the pattern used for the magazine.

Application of colors were also carefully chosen when to use. The three main chapters of the magazine were each assigned a primary and secondary color. First chapter used yellow and orange to capture the rationale and hope the reform would bring once implemented. Second chapter used light blue and dark blue to allow the reader to go through the chapter easily as this was the longest and most data-heavy chapter. Third chapter used red and orange, a big contrast from the previous chapter but done on purpose as this was about the other necessary and equally urgent actions and programs the government will be doing to help out those most affected by TRAIN.

For more information on TRAIN and the other packages, you can visit the DOF's dedicated tax reform microsite.